Benevolent Fund
The Benevolent Fund is aimed at providing basic medical support to students that cannot afford them. The ultimate goal of this fund is to allow disadvantaged students to focus on their learning by receiving the necessary assistance they require to be successful. This allows them to feel better and gives them the appropriate tools to succeed in a school setting.
These funds support items such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, wheelchair batteries, a one-time supply of medications, and emergency dental visits. This is an internal fund that only Westminster Public Schools staff members can access on behalf of the students. If you are a family member needing assistance regarding a WPS student, please get in touch with your child’s school. If you are a district employee needing to learn more about this fund, please get in touch with the administrative leadership at your school. Foundation staff members are happy to answer any questions.
If you are a WPS employee and would like to submit a request for a student, please click the button below!