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Our Story

In 1988, a group of dedicated business and community leaders created the District 50 Education Foundation (now the Westminster Public Schools Foundation) to enhance education for students and staff of Westminster Public Schools. Outside fundraising was necessary and still is, as education budgets keep getting cut.

Westminster Public Schools is a diverse community with students from all walks of life. A significant number of our children come from low-income families, and some are even homeless. Many older students work 20 hours a week while still in school. We know their stories and are inspired by their perseverance. The challenges seem almost insurmountable for some of these students, but we know that is not true. The Foundation, with the help of the community, changes lives.

The goals of the Foundation are to:

  • Enhance and enrich educational opportunities
  • Support staff for innovative efforts
  • Mobilize community support and encourage involvement
  • Build community awareness of the Foundation
  • Inspire parents, businesses, and the local community to participate with the school district in enriching education through innovative means. 

In 2020, the Board of Directors adopted the following Equity Statement: 

The Westminster Public Schools Foundation works hard to support our Westminster Public School students. From its founding, inclusion, and access have been integral to our mission and programs. We honor each individual's uniqueness and embrace diverse backgrounds, values, and viewpoints to build a robust and inclusive community.      

We seek to build on our commitment of inclusion and hold ourselves accountable to create an organization where every student is welcomed and supported and where their faces, voices, and experiences are reflected and valued.   

We believe that actions and results define us.       

We will continue our commitment to diversifying our leadership to be representative of our diverse community.   

We will seek professional development opportunities for board and staff that are high quality, continuous, and effective to further educate ourselves to better identify, discuss, and address equity issues impacting our students and our schools.  

We celebrate diversity by remaining mindful of the importance of inclusion and seek to elevate our community by funding projects that advance equity. 

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